Boost Your Career with Best Angular Training Certification in Noida, Delhi

10+ Years of Excellence in Angular Training & Certifications.
Hands on Training on Angular
Learn from Certified Industry Expert Trainers.
Dedicated placement cell to get you right Job after Angular Training .
Weekday/Weekend Options are Available for Angular Training Course.
High Quality Best Price Angular Courses & Certifications by APTRON.
Online Certificate Verification Facility, by APTRON.
International Certificate in Associative with Pearson
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Placement Support Throw Freshersworld AND Viva Hiring
International Certification Partnership with PEARSON LEARN IT & NETEXPERTS
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Angular Training Certification in Noida, Delhi

APTRON- The best Angular Training, Course, Angular Certification training Institute in Noida, and Delhi offers extensive Angular certification course. The Angular certification training at APTRON has been designed to equip the students with the fundamentals of Angular, Functions, Variables and data types, modules packages, directories, objects, classes, regular expressions socket programing and more along with Angular training on real-time projects and Angular placement training. You can find the detailed Angular course syllabus covered in during Angular training course below.

The Angular training course at APTRON has been structured in coordination with the latest developments and industry demands. The Angular training course here ingrains you with in-depth knowledge and understanding of the Angular course in addition to the practical applications of Angular Programming language. It has been seen that the Angular certified individuals seek higher pay packages as compared to the non-certified individuals. Thus, you can undoubtedly go ahead with opting for career in this field by joining the best Angular Training Certification course at APTRON.

After completing the Angular training Course from APTRON the students get developed professionally and become capable enough to secure jobs in some of the top MNCs easily, as the institute offers 100% placement support to every attendee. The practical oriented Angular training course here at APTRON upgrades the professional skills of the trainees in Angular field.

APTRON offers the best Angular Certification Course Training in Delhi, Noida.The Angular training course module here has been formulated and designed under the guidance of industry professionals with years of experience in handling Angular based projects.

This Introduction To Angular Will Kick-Start Your Learning for Angular for data Science, as Well as Programing in general.This begginer friendly Angular Courses Will Take You from Zero to a good Programmer.

Prerequisite: No prior computer Science or Programming knowledge is necessary. We start from basics and advance to more complex topics.

Angular BASICS:-

1. Open Source Tools

  • Angular IDLE
  • Anaconda
  • spyder
  • Jupyter Notebook
  • Create and Share Jupyter Notebook
  • Code Reusability
  • Creating and Importing Modules

2. Angular Basics

  • Expressions and variables
  • String Operation
  • Indexing
  • Slicing

3. Angular Data Structure

  • List and Tuples
    • Nested or Multi-Dimensional List
    • List Comprehension
  • Dictionaries
  • Sets

4. Angular Programming Fundamentals

  • Conditions and Branching
  • Loops
  • User Define Function
  • Computing Sum, Max, Min, Mean, of a List
  • Special Variables in Angular
  • Code Reusability
    • Creating and Importing Modules

5. Functional Programming in Angular

  • Map, Zip, Reduce, Filter, and Lambda Function in Angular
  • Working With Standard Angular Modules
    • Creating and Importing Modules
  • Ltertools
  • Functools
  • Operator

6. Object Oriented Programming

  • Objects and Classes
  • Regular, Static, Special, and Class Methods
  • Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Abstraction in Angular

7. Working With Data Storage System in Angular

  • Reading and Writing Text Files
  • Reading and Writing CSV Files
  • Working With SQL Database in Angular
    • Connecting With SQL Database
    • Creating Table
    • Reading, Writing, and Updating Tables

8. Working With Directory and File Managment

  • Working With os, sys and shutil Module
  • Creting, Renaming, and Listing All Directories
  • Manage Large Files

9. Working With Date and Time in Angular

  • Fundamentals of datetime module
  • Working With Date and Time
  • Calculating difference between two dates/times
  • Converting timesstamp into date and time

This advanced Course in Angular Will give you all the tools you need to get started for APIs development. In This Course first, you will learn the basic purpose of APIs and Where it applies to solve real-world problems. Second, you will learn how to create your own custom APIs and deploy your APIs as a Web Service in production on linode, Amazon AWS Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud etc.

Prerequisite: Proficiency in Angular. We recommend You familiarize Yourself with Angular basics before You begin this Course.

Angular ADVANCE:-

1. Use Angular as a Developer

  • Working With Command line (Command windows and linux terminal)

    Fundamentals and advantage of working with Command line Basics of Command line functions

  • Installing and integrating Angular With Command line
  • Creating and running Angular Program from command line
  • Working With Virtual environment

2. Command Line Arguments in Angular

  • Fundamentals of argpase and argv module
  • Add and execute Command line arguments

3. Request Module in Angular

  • Introducation to APIs (Application Programing Interfaces) or Web Services
  • Why are ApIs important
  • Key APIs Concepts
    • Representation State Transfer (REST)
    • Webhooks
    • Javascript Object Notation (JSON)
  • Fundamentals of RESTful APIs
  • Fundamentals of request module
  • Sending ApIs requests using POSTMAN
  • Sending HTTP request from Angular
  • Receiving and parsing data
    • Working With APIs using Angular
  • integrating existing web APIs into application
    • Air Quality Index (AQI)API
    • Temperature and Humidity API
    • Google/Microsoft/Amazon APIs
    • and many more
  • JSON (Javascript Object Notation) format in Angular

4. Building RESTful APIs Using Flask

  • Installing Flask
  • Creating a basic Flask application
  • Running the application
  • Introducation to templating engine in flask
    • Introducation of HTML,CSS and Javascript
    • Introducation to Jinja2
  • Creating a basic template based Flask application
  • Setting up the database
  • Understanding request and responses
    • Creating and running RESTful APIs

5. Deploying APIs on Cloud (Linode AWS, and Microsoft Azure etc.)

  • Introduction to cloud computing
  • Getting started with Linode/AWS/Microsoft Azure
  • Fundamentals of Client and Server
  • Clound system configuring
  • Installing and configuring Object Storage/S3
  • Installing and configuring MongoDB
  • Quick Introducation to Github
  • Deploying APIs on the cloud

6. HTML and HTML5

  • Introducation to Web Development
  • Common Text Editor and installing an Atom IDE and its packages
  • Using Chrome browser inspecting tools
  • Become familiar with HTML and HTML 5
  • Structure DOM and BOM
  • Block level elements and Line breaks and spacing
  • Inline Elements and displaying data with tables
  • Images, forms and working with HTML 5 multimedia
  • HTML5 semantic elements and Input Types

7. CSS and CSS3

  • How to use Inline, Internal, and External CSS
  • CSS Selector & Type using browser inspector tools for CSS
  • CSS Box Model, CSS Cascading and Inheritance
  • CSS Specificity, CSS Pseudo elements and class
  • CSS Layout and Positioning and Floats and Clears
  • Responsive Images, Box Sizing, CSS Media Queries
  • CSS Responsive, Flexbox and Creating a Menu with Flexbox


  • Basic JS Fundamentals and JSON
  • JS Console, Debugging, Array and Variable Scope
  • JS OOP Concepts, Objects, Propreties Method, and Prototypes
  • JS Forms, Events, Functions Invocation Call Apply and Closures
  • JS DOM Manipulations
  • Introducation to AJAX
  • Preventing and Handling Javascript Erros
  • JS Best Practices, Mistakes, Performance


  • Introducation to jquery core concepts
  • jquery Syntax, Selectors, DOM Traversal and Manipulation
  • jquery Event Handling and Callback Function
  • jquery AJAX, Effects and Animations
  • jquery Plugins and Custom Plugins


  • Introducation to Responsive layout and Bootstrap
  • Bootstrap Project Setup, Structure and Teamplate
  • Using The grid system and Understanding Bootstrap Classes
  • Bootstrap Content, Layout and Overview of Bootstrap Componets
  • Bootstrap Utilities and Theme
  • Intro to LESS and SASS
  • Bootstrap Customization
  • Angular Training Course is designed according to current IT market.
  • Offer the best Angular Training Course and Placement with well defined training modules and course sessions.
  • Facilitate regular, weekend and customized Angular Training Course.
  • One of the biggest team of Certified Expert Trainers with 5 to 15 years of Real Industry Experience.
  • Mentors of Angular Training helps in major project training, minor project training, live project preparation, interview preparation and job placement support.
  • Smart Labs with Real Latest Equipments.
  • 24x7 Lab Facilities. Students are free to access the labs for unlimited number of hours as per their own preferred timings.
  • Smart classrooms fully equipped with projectors, live racks, Wi-Fi connectivity, Digital Pads.
  • Silent and Discussion Zone areas in Labs to enhance Self Study and Group Discussions.
  • Free of Cost Personality Development sessions including Spoken English, Group Discussions, Mock Interviews, Presentation skills.
  • Free of Cost Personality Development Classes.
  • Hostel Facilities available at Rs 5,500/- month for Angular Training Course students.
  • Free Study Material, PDFs, Video Trainings, Sample Questions, Exam Preparation, Interview Questions, Lab Guides.
  • Globally Recognized Course Completion Certificate.
  • Extra Time Slots (E.T.S.) for Practical's(Unlimited), Absolutely Free.
  • The ability to retake the class at no-charge as often as desired.
  • One-on-One attention by instructors.
  • Helps students to take knowledge of complex technical concepts.
  • Payment options: Cheque, Cash, Credit Card, Debit card, Net Banking.



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No Teacher Only Experts

Industry Expert led training for all.


Training / Practicals / Interview Preparation

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Globally recognized certification

Join & take your resume to next level.


Life time query support

Through regular forms & query sessions


Weekday/Weekend options

Flexible class timing that suits everyone.


Job Assistance

Dedicated Placement division help you to get a right job.

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