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- 6 Weeks Summer Training in Matlab
Project Based 6 weeks Matlab Summer Training Institute
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APTRON has introduced live project based 6 weeks Matlab summer training for engineering students imparting basic to advanced level of knowledge. It is the best summer training institute comprising of a team of best and industry experienced professionals as trainers for 6 weeks Matlab summer training program. This further ensures that the students are in safer hands and under the best mentorship to enhance their skills. The Matlab summer training course at APTRON has been structured by experts and is closely aligned to the industry requirements. Backed with 100% placement support in the top MNCs our 6 weeks Matlab summer internship training is a perfect balance of both theory and practical hands-on experience on live projects.
Boasted with high-tech facilities, well-equipped infrastructure, advanced labs, libraries etc. with 24x7 access provides an excellent learning environment for the 6 weeks Matlab summer training based on live projects. The Matlab summer training opens up vast career options for the students and is ideal for 1st/2nd/3rd/4th year engineering students and aims at expanding their horizons and enhancing skills in order to transform themselves into industry-ready professionals.
The rivalry for the acquisition of jobs in various MNCs requires the students to have mental elasticity with a creative mindset and the 6 weeks Matlab summer training course encourages the learners to create, invent or discover something valuable. APTRON is the best 6 weeks Matlab summer training institute that provides optimal exposure to the students helping them develop their brain accordingly at a reasonable summer training fees.
APTRON is the largest 6 weeks Matlab summer training centre and multiple summer training batches are conducted throughout the day both in the weekdays and weekends making it easier for the students to choose the batch as per their convenience. In addition to this, the institute also provides Fastrack Matlab summer training course. Such type of rigorous 6 weeks Matlab summer internship training introduces the students with the real-time work environment and the mandatory placement training prepares them to face the real-world challenges during the job interview. The summer training course duration, as well as batch timings, show perfect coordination with your summer vacation and hence you can utilize your time in the best way.
APTRON's Project-based 6 Weeks Summer Training in Matlab Covers the Following Modules
Summer Training in Matlab is a modular 6 weeks course, regularized over 5 days a week, 2 hrs a day, and exclusively includes practical sessions. The course curriculum of Summer Training in Matlab comprises:
Module 01: MATLAB Course Contents
- Introduction to MATLAB
- Historical Background
- Applications
- Scope of MATLAB
- Importance to Engineers
- Features
- MATLAB Windows (Editor, Work space, Command history, Command Window)
- Operations with variables
- Naming and Checking Existence
- Clearing Operations
Module 02: Data and data flow in MATLAB
- Matrix Operations & Operators
- Reshaping Matrices
- Importing Exporting Of Data
- Arrays
- Data types
- File Input-Output
- Communication with external devices
Module 03: Editing and debugging M Files
- Writing script files
- writing functions
- Error Correction
- M-Lint Automatic Code Analyzer
- Saving files
Module 04: Programming
- Flow control
- Conditional Statements
- Error Handling
- Work with multidimensional array
- Cell Array & Characters
- Developing user defined function
- Scripts and other Functions
- Basic Technical Level Computing with MATLAB
Module 05: MATLAB Graphics
- Simple graphics
- Graphic Types
- Plotting functions
- Creating plot &Editing plot (2D and 3D)
- Graphics Handles
- GUI (Graphical User Interface)
Module 06: Simulink
- Introduction
- Importance
- Model Based Design
- Tools
- Mathematical Modeling
- Converting Mathematical Model into Simulink Model
- Running Simulink Models
- Importing Exporting Data
- Solver Configuration
- Masking Block/Model
- Basic Technical Level Computing with MATLAB
Module 07: Control System Toolbox
- General instructions
- Create linear models
- Classes of Control System Toolbox
- Discussion on state space representation
- Transfer function
- System gain and dynamics
- Time & Frequency domain analysis
- Classical design, State Space Model
- Transfer function representation, System response
- LTI viewer detail and explanation about LTI viewer
- Designing of compensator
- Use of SISO design
Module 08: Project on Control & Simulink
Signal Processing Toolbox
- Basics of Signal Processing
- Representing Signals
- Analysis of different Signals
- Complex Signals
- Filter Designing
- Using the Filter Designing GUIs
- Analyzing the filter plots
- Filter Designing using Script Files
- Speech Recording
- Speech Processing
- Other Signal Processing Functions
Module 09: Communication Toolbox
- Signal Sources
- BER Tool
- Modulation
- Special Filter
- Channels
- Equalizers
Module 10: Project Based on Signal & communication
Module 11: Image Processing Toolbox
- Reading and Writing Image Data
- Displaying and Exploring Image
- Spatial Transformation
- Image Registration
- Designing and implementing 2D linear Filters for Image Data
- Morphological Operations
- Transforms
- Analyzing and Enhancing Images
- ROI based Processing
- Neighborhood and Block operations
Module 12: Computer Vision Systems Toolbox
- Input, Output, and Conversions
- Display and Graphics
- Registration and Stereo Vision
- Motion Estimation and Tracking
- Geometric Transformations
- Filters, Transforms, and Enhancements
Module 13: Project Based on Image & Computer Vision
Module 14: Fuzzy Logic Toolbox
- Basic introduction to fuzzy logic
- Fuzzy Versus Non-fuzzy Logic
- Foundations of Fuzzy Logic
- Fuzzy Inference Systems
- Building Systems with Fuzzy Logic Toolbox Software
- Building Fuzzy Inference Systems Using Custom Functions
- Working from the Command Line
- Working in Simulink Environment
- Simulating Fuzzy Inference Systems Using the Fuzzy Inference Engine
Module 14: Neural Network Toolbox
- Network Objects, Data, and Training Styles
- Multilayer Networks and Backpropagation Training
- Control Systems
- Radial Basis Networks
- Self-Organizing and Learning
- Vector Quantization Nets
- Adaptive Filters and Adaptive Training
Module 15: Stateflow in Simulink
- Stateflow Chart Concepts
- Stateflow Chart Notation
- Stateflow Chart Semantics
- Building Mealy and Moore Charts
- Using Actions in Stateflow Charts
- Stateflow Design Patterns
- Truth Table Functions for Decision-Making Logic
- Using Simulink Functions in Stateflow Charts
- Debugging and Testing Stateflow Charts
- Exploring and Modifying Charts
- Semantic Rules Summary
- Semantic Examples
Module 16: Analysis of C MEX files
- C/C++ Source MEX-Files
- Examples of C/C++ Source MEX-Files
- Debugging C/C++ Language MEX-Files
- Handling Large mxArrays
- Memory Management
- Large File I/O
Module 17: Introduction to Embedded System for MATLAB
- Basic components of Embedded System
- Hardware Classification of Embedded System
- Programming Language Classification of Embedded System
- Advantage & Disadvantage of Low level & High level Programming Languages.
- Type of Microcontroller
- Memory Classification
Module 18: Embedded System Development Tools
- Assembler
- Interpreter
- Compiler
- Simulator
- Emulator
- Debugger
Module 19: AVR Architecture & Instructions
- Classification of Von-Neumann and Harvard Architecture
- Difference between RISC and CISC
- Memory Classification (Primary & Secondary)
- Data Transfer Instructions
- Arithmetic Instructions
- Logical Instructions
- Conditional Instructions
Module 20: I/O Port Programming
- Led Interfacing
- 7 Segment Display Types
- 7 Segment Interfacing
Module 21: Motors Interfacing & Sensors
- Introduction to Motors
- DC Motor Interfacing
- Stepper Motor Interfacing
- Introduction to Sensing Devices
- Different Type of Sensors
Module 22: Introduction to MATLAB Arduino Tool
- Introduction to Arduino Boards and Shields
- Arduino IDE Introduction
- Programming in Arduino
- Arduino Interfacing With MATLAB
Module 23: Peripheral Interfacing with MATLAB Arduino
- Led Interfacing
- 7 Segment Interfacing
- DC motor Interfacing
- Stepper motor Interfacing
Module 24: Introduction to Simulink Arduino Tool Library
- Arduino Interfacing With Simulink
- Standalone Application Development Using Simulink
Module 25: Projects on Interfacing between Arduino, MATLAB and Simulink
Introduction to VLSI
- Need, Scope, Use and History of VLSI.
- Introduction to Chip Design Process.
- Description of Hardware Description Languages.
- Applications of VLSI
- Top Down Design Methodology
- Bottom Up Design Methodology
Module 26: VLSI Design Flow and HDLs
- Design Process and Steps.
- Design Simulation and Design Synthesis.
- Introduction to VHDL
- Introduction to Verilog HDL
- Difference between Verilog HDL & other Programming HDL’s
Module 27: Tools Used for HDL’s
- Different Tools Available in Industry
- Working on Xilinx Project Navigator
- Working on Simulator
Module 28: Introduction to Various HDL Modeling Style
- Gate Level Modeling Style
- Data Flow Modeling Style
- Behavioral Modeling Style
- Switch Level Modeling Style
Module 30: Keywords & Data Types in Verilog HDL
- Module
- Initials
- Always
- Data Types
Module 31: Hardware Implementation using HDL’s
Module 32: HDL’s - MATLAB Interfacing
- Code Generation using HDL coder in MATLAB
- Learning MATLAB TOOL related programming
- Fixed point conversions
- HDL code generations
Module 33: Hardware Implementation on FPGA using MATLAB
- Synthesize Code from MATLAB to Verilog HDL
- Learning MATLAB HDL Verifier
- Learning ModelSim using MATLAB
- Using MATLAB HDL Verifier to operate FPGA in Loop.
6 Weeks Based Projects List in Matlab Technologies
- CDMA using Simulink
- OFDM using Simulink
- Stirred Tank Reactor using Simulink
- Image Compression using Matlab GUI
- Image Denoising using Matlab GUI
- DC Motor Modelling using Matlab Simulink
- DC Motor Speed Control using Matlab Simulink
- Inverted Pendulum Modelling using Simulink
- Facial Experssion System using Matlab GUI
- Image Vehicle Plate Detection System using GUI
- Maximum Power point tracking system using Solar PV module in Simpowersystem
- Static Facial Expression Recognition using LBP and SVM
- Real Time facial Expression recognition using LBP and SVM
- Peak to Average Power ratio finding in OFDM
- Peak to Average Power ratio reduction in OFDM using different techniques
- BER Evaluation in OFDM system
- BER Evaluation in MIMO OFDM system
- BER Evaluation in Multi Carrier CDMA system
- Image fusion using MATLAB Image processing wavelet transforms
- Power factor correction using single phase AC-DC Converter
- Calculator
APTRON Course duration for MATLAB Training
- Fast Track Training Program (6+ hours daily)
- Regular Classes (Morning, Day time & Evening)
- Weekend Training Classes (Saturday, Sunday & Holidays)